Saturday, May 31, 2008

How to check your attitude about anything

Sometimes, it is hard for us to identify sin in our life because we don't think that we have a tendency towards any particular sin. One way to test whether we are drawn by a certain sin or maybe even a person, is to ask these three questions. From this you can tell what your attitude is towards the person or thing.
  1. What do you say about _____ (person/place/thing)___?
  2. Do you move toward or away from ______?
  3. Do you seek out ways to come into more contact with _____?
Remember that once you realise you have a tendency to sin, God is always willing to forgive you because Jesus Christ has paid for your sins and you can be made clean by receiving his sacrifice on the cross that was intended for you. For more information, go to

Friday, May 23, 2008

How to "be a man" and "do the right thing"

Also how to be a woman. Here are a few messages recommended by (Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood)

Item Title Author
19 Objections to Complementarianism J. Ligon Duncan III
Affirming the Goodness of Manhood and Womanhood in All of Life John Piper
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: The Big Picture J. Ligon Duncan III
Christ's Example (1 Corinthians 11:2-16) J. Ligon Duncan III
God's High Calling for Women Part 1 John MacArthur
God's High Calling for Women Part 2 John MacArthur
God's Pattern for Husbands Part 1 John MacArthur
God's Pattern for Husbands Part 2 John MacArthur
God's Pattern for Wives Part 1 John MacArthur
God's Pattern for Wives Part 2 John MacArthur
How These Biblical Definitions of Manhood and Womanhood Apply in the Home and the Church J. Ligon Duncan III
Husbands Who Love Like Christ and the Wives Who Submit to Them John Piper
Jesus, Women, and Men John Piper
Male and Female He Created Them in the Image of God John Piper
Male Authority and Female Equality in Light of Galatians 3:28 J. Ligon Duncan III
Male Authority and Female Equality: In the beginning (Genesis 1-3) J. Ligon Duncan III
Manhood and Womanhood Before Sin John Piper
Manhood and Womanhood Conflict and Confusion After the Fall John Piper
Manhood, Womanhood and the Freedom to Minister John Piper
Modern Stumbling Blocks to Gender Roles J. Ligon Duncan III
Silent in the Church: Why Can’t Women Preach? J. Ligon Duncan III
The "S"ubmission Word J. Ligon Duncan III
The Character of a Healthy Church Part 2 John MacArthur
The Character of a Healthy Church Part 3 John MacArthur
The Character of a Healthy Church Part 4 John MacArthur
The Gender Neutral Bible Controversy J. Ligon Duncan III
Women in the Church and Silence in the Church J. Ligon Duncan III

Must listen to this: