Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Top 10 Books Recommended by a Christian Counsellor

Here is a list of the top 10 books recommended by Competent Counseling, a Christian blog on counselling. How many have you read and what do you think of these books? 

  1. The Cross Centered Life: this book will get you focused on the right thing as you move forward in your sanctification.
  2. Humility: this book will set your heart right. A humble person cannot be angry or frustrated with anyone else.
  3. The Gospel Primer: the solution to whatever you are going through must begin with the gospel: God killed his Son to save you. You MUST begin here and never deviate from this course.
  4. The Holiness of God: a solid view of who God is will be essential as you are called on to trust Him through whatever difficulty you may be going through.
  5. How Can I Change?: this is a practical primer on how to change. Do you have a habituated lifestyle of certain sins? Do you want to change? Then read this book. (And it’s FREE.)
  6. When Sinners Say “I Do”: simply the best marriage book on the market today. If you are married I recommend you read this book regardless of the “condition” of your marriage.images3fq3dbooks26start3d2126gbv3d226ndsp3d2126hl3den26safe3dactive26sa3dn-leveled
  7. Sex, Romance and the Glory of God: an obvious follow-up to the previous book. Get this right for the glory of God.
  8. When People Are Big and God is Small: one of the most common sin patterns we all face. Some call it co-dependency while others call it low self-esteem. The bible calls it “fear of man”.
  9. Shepherding a Child’s Heart: simply put, the best parenting book on the market today.
  10. Age of Opportunity: this is the follow-up book to the previous one. It builds upon SCH. This book is geared toward the parent and teen.

1 comment:

  1. thanks! Looking for some good books to read. Keep up the service!
